Patient Testimonial: Joni – Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) & Facial Paralysis (Watch video)
Patient Joni was on a simple bike ride with her family when she felt something on the right side of her neck. On the bike ride she experienced dizziness and uncomfort. She was immediately shouted to her family and was instantly taken to the hospital where she spent 20 days in the ICU. Later diagnosed with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH) which is a bulging blood vessel that bursts in the brain (aneurysm). Symptoms of a Subarachnoid Hemorrhage include headaches, dizziness, neck or back pain, nausea, vomiting, or decreased responsiveness.
The surgery she experienced to stop her brain from bleeding left her with some facial paralysis and hearing loss in her right ear. Shortly after, Joni was referred to Dr. Kochhar by the physician who saved her life from the Subarachnoid Hemorrhage (SAH).
When asked, “What were your first thoughts when you heard about your diagnosis?” Joni says,
“When I was told that it was “Unlikely” that I would regain movement on the right side of my face by the doctors who came in to see me while I was in ICU for those 20 days, I was not happy. But at the same time, I felt that there had to be some way to fix my face.”
Joni has been a patient of Dr. Kochhar’s for (2) years now and consistently visits our office on a monthly basis. Dr. Kochhar has overseen Joni’s other procedures over the past (2) years. Joni has now undergone surgery by Dr. Krauss where he adjusted her eye, the surgery now allows her to close her eye without having to use an eyelid weight. Dr. Kochhar also surgically raised her eyebrow to make the height of her right eyebrow symmetrical to the left side. Now, Joni is scheduled for surgery this upcoming October to enhance her facial features. Joni is excited about her surgery.
In one word, how do you describe your experience? Joni says,
“Safe… My face has improved somewhat on its own. It will be 2 years next month since I had my brain bleed. Surgery wise, I have only had my eye addressed so far and am scheduled in October for a little facial surgery with Dr. Kochhar to enhance my appearance.”
Joni would like to say thank you to Dr. Kochhar, Dr. Krauss, and Dr. Iyer who have stood by her side during this process.
Learn more about Joni’s story by listening to her Patient Testimonial.
At Pacific Head and Neck, we employ thorough evaluation and treatment regimes. To set up a consultation with a top Los Angeles ENT doctor, feel free to call us at (310) 477-5558.