Watch Marleni’s Story: Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss & Cochlear Implant
Thirty-two-year-old Marleni was diagnosed with “Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL).” Her hearing journey began the day before her 30th birthday, when she started to hear a ringing noise in her ear. Later that night she woke up with vertigo and experienced a louder ringing. She decided to go to the Emergency Room where she was told it was probably ear wax. Deep down inside, she knew something else was wrong.
Marleni decided to do her own research and found an ENT (Ear, Nose, and Throat). She tried steroid shots in the ear and a hearing aid; both of which did not work for her. She was diagnosed with “Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss” (SSHL) also known as SSD. Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss (SSHL), or sudden deafness, is a rapid loss of hearing. SSHL can happen to a person all at once or over a period of up to 3 days. Marleni was open to trying alternative ways to improve her hearing and wanted to see if she was a cochlear implant candidate. During her research she found Dr. Voelker who specializes in Cochlear Implants. When Marleni found out she was a perfect candidate for a cochlear implant, she was hopeful and excited. May 2022, Marleni received her cochlear implant.
Now, months after her cochlear implant, Marleni says,
“I’m still very excited! I have been on this journey with Dr. Lewis and it’s been so amazing the way she has helped me. I have been able to hear. I thought I wouldn’t be able to hear anything.”
When asked to use one word to describe her experience, Marleni says,
“Amazing! I never thought I would be back here, being able to hear.”
Marleni comes into every appointment ready to put in the work to capture her hearing. Marleni was asked, “Was there a moment in your journey that left an imprint?” Marleni responds,
“Yes, I was driving home from this last session we had, and a song started, and I was able to hear the instruments… I have come a long way and I was able to hear the instrument. I would hear the music before, but I was able to hear the trumpet.”
Learn more about our cochlear implant program or contact our cochlear implant staff directly. Listen to more cochlear implant stories.